Poor lad god bless
Much love xx
Just saw this on Monster Carp....God bless
Thanks to Monster Carp for highlighting this page.
For you
Just seen the sad news on monster carp... RIP
All the kind donations from the funeral
In memory of our dearest Cameron. Give our love to Mama Soraya. Until we meet again cuz. xxxx
My beautiful son, another donation to help other young people having this awful condition that took you away from us at such a young age.
Cameron, you left but you continue to shine in our hearts
عزیزجان من ای کامران به ناکامی چه شدتراکه چنین زاروناتوان رفتی ترازعمرغم انگیزبیست وچار گذشت گلی نچیده زباغ طرب چنان رفتی دلم زاتش این غم بسینه میسوزد که بادلی همه پردرد واندهان رفتی یادت هماره دردل ما زنده است بابا ایزدی
In memory of dearest Cameron
Our condolences to all, Cameron's family and friends.
For every kid out there struggling with Epilepsy. Cameron, you will always be in our hearts. x
This is a little donation in the memory of loveliest and dearest Cameron.